The Journey

Give yourself the gift of exploring the arts your way, interacting with horses your way, and being in nature your way. 
No experience with horses or the arts is needed.

Why horses?

A horse doesn’t care about yesterday and he’s not worried about tomorrow, but he’s darn sure interested in the moment…~James Wyllie (Equestrian, Educator, Life- Coach)

Horses are intuitive, nonjudgmental, and socially connected.  We can learn from how they relate to one another, allowing us to gain insight in how we relate to others and ourselves. We journey into their world where we can be fully present with no worries or expectations, only the here and now. They take us out of our heads and into our hearts.  

Why Expressive Arts?

Picasso once said…art washes away from the soul the dust of everyday life.”

Expressive Arts uses color, texture, movement, sound, visual arts, creative writing and drama to foster self-expression, insight, creativity, and empowerment. Incorporating art in our program creates space to reflect, connect and communicate. Words are not required to express feelings or thoughts when using art. When given the freedom to play and create without rules and judgment, we develop a deeper understanding of our inner world. There is no wrong way to do art. 

Why Nature?

By viewing Nature, Nature’s handmaid Art, Makes mighty things from small beginnings grow .  ~John Dryden

Nature speaks to us in many voices. The running brook, the aspen tress with leaves rustling in the breeze, the songs of the birds, and the chirps of the crickets. All we have to do is listen, and we will learn something—something about ourselves. Nature has a way of giving us what we need to feel nurtured, and provides a place to let go of the daily babble that runs through our head, giving space to take in the gifts of our natural world.  This has a way of filling our soul. 

Nature is not only what is visible to the eye---it shows the inner images of the soul…~Edward Munch (1863-1944) Artist